Going the #ExtraMile
“Start going the extra mile and opportunity will follow you” -Napoleon Hill
I came to know through a friend that Mediacom Group of Companies is looking for a Marketing Officer. I contacted my friend who works there and confirmed the news. I checked the recruitment process from their page and applied. I sent my CV and Cover Letter through the mail.
After that I asked my friend who works there, to tell me the name and office time of the HR Manager. So I prepared my Elevator Pitch (Both in English & Urdu) and did some research about the company and its business. The next day, I dressed up professionally, keeping all the important tips I learned during the Amal Fellowship and I went to meet the HR for dropping my CV in-person.
I reached the Mediacom office and asked the receptionist to let me meet with Mr. Zafar Ali (Director of Finance & Marketing, Mediacom Group of Companies). After 5 minutes, the receptionist directed me to the room of HR Professional and I entered the room by greeting the HR Professional with his name. So, I gave my Elevator Pitch and told him that I went to meet him to drop my CV in-person. He was looking a bit surprised and also happy. He accepted my CV with a smile.
After that, he asked me about why I want to do that job as marketing is not even my field. I told him about my previous event management and marketing experience and also that I have good socialization and know many people, which makes me a good candidate for that job.

I hadn’t faced any challenge, as I have a friend in the company. But I was afraid of delivering my elevator pitch in front of the HR Professional. So before going to the Mediacom’s office, I talked with my mother and told her about the activity and my fear. She told me that everything is going to be good. Go there with confidence. This helped me a lot and I overcome my fear. This activity proved an asset to me. I am really feeling more confident and courageous now. Going extra miles really help. In the future, I will practice this activity to overcome my fear completely.
“If you truly want to succeed, be prepared to go the extra mile” –Napoleon Hill